
Hello, All!!

I’m soon to be 47, married with two rugrats, ages 5 & 7.  Have been working since I was 8, and finally getting a college degree this semseter – the way things are going, we all have to have at least a Bachelor’s to even get a meaningful job.

I’ve worked in all manner of industries from manual labor in my teens and 20’s to I.T. work and recruiting to real estate and mortgages, as well as being a martial arts and personal fitness instructor.

My likes are martial arts, anything sports related like hoops, hockey, skiing, tennis, you name it, I play it.

Looking to be an investigative journalist, as I am always, constantly speaking truth to power and would love to make a living of calling those in power out on their abuses – it’s a skill I learned from my parents, my mom being a retired criminal defense attorney and my late father being a PhD and former Korean War Vet.

Hope to learn lots this semester as well as get to know you all at least somewhat in this online space!
